Shaykh Rabi Al-Madkhalee حفظَهُ الله said:
"The one who supplicates to other than Allaah and slaughters for other than Allaah, and ask other than Allaah, and makes tawaf (circumambulate) around the graves, and prostrate to the grave, and believe in the awliyya that they benefit and harm them. Did he say nothing has a right to be worshiped in truth except Allaah sincerely from his heart? Did he say it honestly? Never, by Allah, then (again) Never, by Allaah, his saying it isn't honest, and didn't exit sincerely from his lips; because he said laa illaa ha ilallaah and near him is so-and-so he supplicates to him and slaughters for him. Due to this he destroys the meaning of laa illa ha illallaah. O brothers of Tawheed! The Tawheed(Is important)! We do not speak about a subject from the subjects except that we speak about Tawheed Allaah, because we see many from the Muslimeen fall in the most dangerous of prohibitions(OF SHIRK, KUFR, ETC)...
Source:[مرْحبًـاياطالـب العلْم 108]
Translator: Khaleel Davis
Shaykh Rabi Al-Madkhalee حفظَهُ الله said:
"The one who supplicates to other than Allaah and slaughters for other than Allaah, and ask other than Allaah, and makes tawaf (circumambulate) around the graves, and prostrate to the grave, and believe in the awliyya that they benefit and harm them. Did he say nothing has a right to be worshiped in truth except Allaah sincerely from his heart? Did he say it honestly? Never, by Allah, then (again) Never, by Allaah, his saying it isn't honest, and didn't exit sincerely from his lips; because he said laa illaa ha ilallaah and near him is so-and-so he supplicates to him and slaughters for him. Due to this he destroys the meaning of laa illa ha illallaah. O brothers of Tawheed! The Tawheed(Is important)! We do not speak about a subject from the subjects except that we speak about Tawheed Allaah, because we see many from the Muslimeen fall in the most dangerous of prohibitions(OF SHIRK, KUFR, ETC)...
Source:[مرْحبًـاياطالـب العلْم 108]
Translator: Khaleel Davis