Who Can Assist In The Washing Of A Husband's Dead Wife? 

Category: FATWA
Shaykh: Ahmad As-Subayi'
Source: WhatsApp(Voice)
Date:September 27th, 2017 (Muharram 9th, 1439 Hijri)
Translator: Abu AbdilHaadee Khaleel Davis

 QUESTIONER: As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi our virtuous Shaykh. A brother has a question: "If the husband washes his dead wife, who are those who can assist him in that?"

ANSWER: "It is permissible for the husband to wash his wife as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said to Aaisha: "Wash me and (word unclear)." or as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said* and (also) those who can help him in that, either her (siblings from her) sisters, or the sisters from the reliable Muslimah and believing women. They can help in the turning her over, washing, and or things similar to that (in relating to the washing of the body), and so forth.

QUESTIONER: May Allaah bless you our virtuous shaykh.

SHAYKH: And may Allaah bless you. I ask Allah to grant us all the sincere faith, sincerity, and piety and to facilitate for us ease for us to take the causes of good in the deen and the worldly life. Ameen

QUESTIONER: Allaahuma ameen! our virtuous Shaykh, may Allaah bless you.
 *Seems the Shaykh حفظه الله و ورعاه is referring to the hadeeth:
يا عائشه ...لو متي قبلي فغسلتكي,وكفنتكي وصليت عليكي،ودفنتكي... O Aaishah if you die before me, I will wash you, shroud you, pray over you and bury you... صحيح مسلم. And Allaah knows best.