Clearing Up The Confused Mental Plexus With A Clear Cut Historical Nexus 

‏قال العلامة ربيع بن هادي المدخلي: ‏"...الإمام محمد بن يحيى الذهلي وأصحابه قد بدّعوا الإمام البخاري وآذوه ‏ولكن العلماء وعلى رأسهم مسلم إلى يومنا هذا خالفوا الإمام محمد بن يحيى...لأنه: *‏⁧‫ليس معه ولا معك أصحابه حجة* ‏فمدار القَبول والرد هو الحجة وعدمها لا الهوى ‏📖المجموع(٩/٣٩ - ٤١)

(Our father figure) Shaykh Rabi' حفظه الله said: "The imaam Muhammad ibn Yahya Adh-Dhuhali رحمه الله and his companions considered Imaam Al-Bukhaaree رحمه الله an innovator and(it) harmed him. Nevertheless, the scholars and at the head of them (imaam)Muslim(his student and close friend) until this day of ours opposed the imaam Muhammad ibn Yahya... because there was not with him and not with his companions any evidence. (We must know) accepting or rejecting a statement centers on the evidence, or a lack thereof. Not desires. 

Translator: Abu AbdilHadee Khaleel Davis 
Source: Al-Majmu'