The Food in One’s Mouth at the Time of the Athaan?

Author: Imaam Muqbil Al Waadi’ee (may Allah have mercy upon him)
Source: Irshaad-ul-Afaadhil-Kiraam Ilaa Masaaili Tata’alluqi bi-Siyaam wal-Qiyaam             

Q:  If a person is eating Suhoor (the pre-dawn snack) and the Muadhin makes the call to prayer is it necessary for him to take out what is in his mouth or should he just eat what remains?

 A:  Whatever is in his mouth he does not take out, but he should NOT eat anything else after that.  However, in exception to this is the one who has a glass of water in his hand, as it has been related in the Sunan of Aboo Daawud from Aboo Hurayrah who said that the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)  said:

“If the Muadhin makes the call to prayer and the drinking vessel is still in your hands then drink from it what will suffice you.”

So there is no harm that one drinks even while the Muadhin is making the call to prayer, but with the condition that the glass of water is still in his hand.