Markazut Tawheed Fatwa Series 
Fatwa: Marriage
Shaykh: 'Alaamah al Fawzaan حفظه الله ورعاه
Date: May 2nd, 2018
Translator: Abu Abdil-Alīm Amīn bin Clarence Manning al Makki Source:

 Question: May Allah reward you, he [the questioner] says: A suitor [of marriage] fell in to zinaa with the woman he was engaged to marry, two days before the contract of marriage [was to be carried out]. Then they got married, is marriage saheeh (correct)?

Response: [our shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan hafithahullah answered:] This marriage is not correct, because she is a fornicator, until she sincerely repents and her Iddah period has been completed. By way of these two conditions, that she sincerely repents and he also repents, because the [male] fornicator likewise is not married until he repents. [So,] they both correctly repent and they wait until [she] exits from the iddah [period], she has three menses, until it is becomes apparent that there is no embryo in her womb. And after that he can marry her. And if a child is produced, [from their fornication], then it is a child of zinaa, who is not attributed [ya’nee, given the linage or relation] to the father [ya’nee the man]. Rather it is a child of her’s from fornication. And we seek refuge with Allah! Na’am

*Translator note: That which is between the brackets [ ] was added to complete the translation, or for clarity, or additional benefit.