The Evil Effects of Sins & The Good Effects of Righteousness

The Prophet ()  said, "While I was sleeping two men came to me and took me by my arms and brought me to a steep mountain and said to me: "Climb!" I said, "I don't have the ability to do so." They said "indeed we will make it easy for you"  so I began to climb. I climbed until I came to the summit of the mountain where I heard terrible cries. I said, "What are these voices?" They replied, 

"That is the howling of the people of the Fire." 

Then they took me further on until I came to a people who were strung by their hamstrings, with their jawbones torn and flowing with blood. I said, "Who are these individuals?" They said, 

"These are the people who break their fast before the time at which they may do so." 

Then they continued on with me, we came to people who had the most severe swelling, most repugnant stench, and worst appearance. I said, "Who are these people?"  It was said, 

"These are the males and females who committed Zinaa" (Fornication and/or Adultery). 

Then they took me  and we came across some women whose breasts were being bitten by snakes. I said, " What is the situation of these women? It was said, 

"These are the women who prevent their children from their breast milk." 

Then they took me and I came across some children playing between two rivers. I said, "Who are these children?" It was said, 

"These are the offspring of the believers." 

Then I was given an honor, I was with three individuals who where drinking some wine of theirs. I said, "Who are these individuals?" They said, 

"This is Ibraheem, Moosaa and Eesaa and they are waiting for you." 

(An-Nisaa-ee in al-Kubraa 2/234, Ibn Hibban # 7491, Ibn Khuzaymah # 1986, Authenticated by Al Imaam Al-Albaani in Saheeh at-Targheeb #1005)