Give Importance to Learning Arabic

Imām Muqbil Ibn Hādi Al'Wādi -May Allāh have mercy on him- said:

"I advise you to give importance to learning the Arabic language and studying the Arabic language so that nobody will be able to deceive you and say, "yes this Ayah is so and so" or "the meaning of this hadeeth is so and so," deceiving the one who doesn't speak Arabic is easy. (This is because) they are with the one they trust even if he called them to misguidance. Look at the Qādiyaniyah and look at the Rāfidhah look at the condition of a lot of the ignorant Muslims, if they trusted an individual they follow him even if he was in opposition to the Kitāb of Allāh and the Sunnah of the Rasūl of Allāh. So i advise you to learn the Arabic language."

(Journey to the United States tape no.8)