Brief Biography of Imaam Ibn Daqeeq Al Eid

Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali ibn Wahb Al Misri Al Maliki As Shafiee better known as Ibn Daqeeq Al Eid was born in 625 H.

He excelled in both Maliki and Shafiee Fiqh.

He used to say “I have not said a word, and I have not done an action except that I will be able to reply in regards to it an answer in front of Allah Aza Wa Jal” – Found in tabaqat ash Shafie’ya of As Subki.

Imam Thahabi mentioned in regards to 4 scholars in his time which were Ibn Daqeeq al Eid, Ash Sharf Ad-dimyaati, Ibn Taymiyyah and Imam Al Mizi.

He mentioned about them that The most knowledge of them in regards to the defects of the hadeeth and its research/deduction was Ibn Daqeeq Al eid, the most knowledgeable in regards to genealogy was Ad-Dimyaati and the one who memorized the most texts out of them was Ibn Taymiyyah and the most knowledgeable in regards to the men was Al Mizi – look in to tadreeb ar rawi of Suyuti.

From His shuyukh was Imam Al Munthiri.

And from his students were the great imams Al Mizi, Ath-Thahabi and others.

Imam Thahabi said about him The Imam The Faqeeh The Mujtahid, The Muhadith The Hafith The Great Scholar, Shaykh Ul Islam – found in Imam Thahabis book Tathkiratul Hufath.

Also Imam Suyuti, Imam Ibn Katheer and others have great praises for him.

He died in 702 H Rahimullah.