Markazut Tawheed Wal Athar
Who Is Markazut Tawheed Wal Athar?
Humble Beginnings: Markazut Tawheed Wal Athar located in the Washington Metropolitan area (DMV), is an online markaz originally started by, Abu Abdis Salaam of SalafyInk in 2010.
New Management: In October of 2017 after contemplation and discussion, the site was transferred over to a new administrator, due to our brother's desire to concentrate his efforts on building SalafyInk. In 2017 the official change was made and we started to revise the original site.
About Us:
We are a markaz, dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, as understood by the pious predecessors of this ummah. We are also involved with connecting the people to the scholars, via questions and translation of their audios and or written articles and verdicts.
Our Sites:
Currently, we have two sites: The original site, started by our brother and colleague Abu Abdis Salam, with additions made starting in 2017 up until today: This site consists of translated and compiled articles of the students, along with legal verdicts of the scholars. Also: which is our audio site, of translated short audio clips of the legal verdicts of the scholars.
The new administrator of the site, is our brother Abu Abdil Haadee Khaleel Davis(along with his sons), previous Imaam and one of the original founders of Masjid Ahlul Qur'an wal hadeeth of Washington DC(2002-2009). Currently, he is a caller to Allaah, active lecturer in various masajid throughout the East Coast and Midwest region. He is also a prison coordinator and volunteer in The William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center of Alexandria, VA and D.C. facilities regularly and other prisons throughout the DMV periodically. He is also translator of numerous articles , PDFs and audio clips of the scholars and conducts weekly classes as well as an online series in cooperation with Salafy Ink and various students and callers to Allaah and Imaams.
Da'wah: Currently, we are in cooperation with SalafyInk and Masjid Al-Bukharee of Florida, Masjid Nur Allah of New York, Masjid Ahlul Hadeeth of Philadelphia, Masjid Bani Adam of New Jersey, Masjid Anas bin Malik of Kansas City and Markaz Uthmaan of D.C. We are also engaged in da'wah to Non-Muslims via "Street D'awah"and Muslims, via weekly lessons, online classes, various conferences, translations and social media outlets.
Upcoming Events: This is an ongoing series that will take place with Masjid Bani Adam of New Jersey. The initial class will be on sight, all other classes will be virtual online via live feed. In shaa Allaah. Start date: April 19th, Masjid Bani Adam In shaa Allaah
Whats New?
PDF booklet of questions and answer on Tawheed. Part 2 coming soon. In shaa allaah
Weekly Lesson: This is a part of our Da'wah efforts with the Muslims. This project was undertaken, after seeking advice with Shakh Abdur Rahman Muhiyydeen (May Allaah preserve him). One of the senior scholars located in Medinah.

Weekly Online Lesson: This is part of a series in conjunction with Salafy Ink, discussing the people of innovation and their misguided creeds. It covers the groups of old and of today.
Humble Beginnings: Markazut Tawheed Wal Athar located in the Washington Metropolitan area (DMV), is an online markaz originally started by, Abu Abdis Salaam of SalafyInk in 2010.
New Management: In October of 2017 after contemplation and discussion, the site was transferred over to a new administrator, due to our brother's desire to concentrate his efforts on building SalafyInk. In 2017 the official change was made and we started to revise the original site.
About Us:
We are a markaz, dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, as understood by the pious predecessors of this ummah. We are also involved with connecting the people to the scholars, via questions and translation of their audios and or written articles and verdicts.
Our Sites:
Currently, we have two sites: The original site, started by our brother and colleague Abu Abdis Salam, with additions made starting in 2017 up until today: This site consists of translated and compiled articles of the students, along with legal verdicts of the scholars. Also: which is our audio site, of translated short audio clips of the legal verdicts of the scholars.
The new administrator of the site, is our brother Abu Abdil Haadee Khaleel Davis(along with his sons), previous Imaam and one of the original founders of Masjid Ahlul Qur'an wal hadeeth of Washington DC(2002-2009). Currently, he is a caller to Allaah, active lecturer in various masajid throughout the East Coast and Midwest region. He is also a prison coordinator and volunteer in The William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center of Alexandria, VA and D.C. facilities regularly and other prisons throughout the DMV periodically. He is also translator of numerous articles , PDFs and audio clips of the scholars and conducts weekly classes as well as an online series in cooperation with Salafy Ink and various students and callers to Allaah and Imaams.
Da'wah: Currently, we are in cooperation with SalafyInk and Masjid Al-Bukharee of Florida, Masjid Nur Allah of New York, Masjid Ahlul Hadeeth of Philadelphia, Masjid Bani Adam of New Jersey, Masjid Anas bin Malik of Kansas City and Markaz Uthmaan of D.C. We are also engaged in da'wah to Non-Muslims via "Street D'awah"and Muslims, via weekly lessons, online classes, various conferences, translations and social media outlets.
Upcoming Events: This is an ongoing series that will take place with Masjid Bani Adam of New Jersey. The initial class will be on sight, all other classes will be virtual online via live feed. In shaa Allaah. Start date: April 19th, Masjid Bani Adam In shaa Allaah
Whats New?
PDF booklet of questions and answer on Tawheed. Part 2 coming soon. In shaa allaah
Weekly Lesson: This is a part of our Da'wah efforts with the Muslims. This project was undertaken, after seeking advice with Shakh Abdur Rahman Muhiyydeen (May Allaah preserve him). One of the senior scholars located in Medinah.

Weekly Online Lesson: This is part of a series in conjunction with Salafy Ink, discussing the people of innovation and their misguided creeds. It covers the groups of old and of today.