The Tremendous Importance of al-WudooH and at-Tamayyuz (Clarity and Distinguishing between truth and falsehood)
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Abu Uwais (rahimahullaah),
in relaying from Shaikh Abu 'Uthmaan Muhammad al-Anjaaree (hafidhahullaah),
[The Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam) said:] Islaam began as something strange, and it will return to
being something strange as it began, so Tooba* is for the strangers. [Muslim]
So this tree is for the ghuraaba (strangers).
Strangeness indicates something. It indicates Qila (a small
amount of individuals, minority, fewness), for if you were a majority you would
not be strange. If the majority of the people were upon what you were
upon, there would be no strangeness. If the majority of the people called to
what you call to, there's no strangeness. If the majority of the people
practice what we practice, there would be no strangeness.
Strangeness comes when there's Qila.
When there's a small amount of people who believe what we believe.[1] When
there's a small amount of people who practice what we practice.[2] When there's
a small amount of people who call to what we call to.[3] Then this brings
about ghurba (strangeness). It is not something (merely)
claimed; it is something that actually happens. It is unavoidable. Unavoidable!
You can't avoid this strangeness, if you wanted to. It is something that Allaah
Tabarak wa Ta'aala has decided. Something that the Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi
wa sallam) has stated. So it can't be avoided no matter what. As long as
the individual is in fact following the Kitab (Qur`an) and the Sunnah and the
Manhaj of the Salaf-us-Saleh, then he will be strange.[4]
So Qila - because
they're a small amount, they're strange.
But then again, there's the other
hadeeth: There will never cease to be a group from my nation apparent
(manifest) and victorious upon the truth. They will
not be harmed by those who oppose them or forsake until the Command of Allaah
comes. [Muslim]
It said: Mansoora (Victorious,
Aided). It said: Dhahireen (apparent). How
can you bring between these two: Qila (being a minority) in
one sense, yet being apparent in the other?
Shaikh Al-Anjaaree explained it very
well, saying: "It is al-WudooH (clarity)."
Yes, clarity.
Carrying the banner with WudooH
(clarity). Raising the banner with clarity. Making it so clear that nothing can
be mixed up or confused with it.
He (Shaikh Al-Anjaaree) said: "If
one of us lives all our life and they are blessed by Allaah Tabarak wa Ta'aala
to raise the banner of clarity, this is sufficient for him."
Clarity because their da'wah is so
clear. Because their da'wah (is) crystal clear, then they are apparent (Dhahireen). Even
though they are small (in number), they are apparent and victorious because
they are WaadiH (clear).
And he (Shaikh Al-Anjaaree) kept
stressing this point of WudooH (clarity). You have to have clarity.
If you brothers in America are able
to teach and bring about and raise upon the Da'watu Salafiyyah one thousand
Salafees - that's all - one thousand Salafees who are upon clarity who are upon
the correct 'aqeedah, who are upon the correct Manhaj, who are upon the correct
'ibaadah, who are upon the correct way - one thousand Salafees who are clear -
this is enough. Don't expect more than that.
You know what one thousand Salafees
- real Salafees, clear Salafees, strong Salafees - can do? One thousand
for this country (America), he said. He said: If you brothers are able to do
that, you've done that which is spectacular! Just one thousand. Upon what
they're supposed to be upon, calling to what they're suppose to call to, with
that wudooH (clarity). That clarity. Clarity.
Clarity so
that the Sunnah is never confused with bid'ah. Clarity so Tawheed is
never confused with Shirk. Clarity so that the 'ibaadat (acts of worship)
are never confused with anything else. At-Tamayyuz (to be distinguished).
A question came to Shaikh Rabee'
(hafidhahullaah) and Shaikh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee (rahimahullaah) was
present. Someone said: Shaikh Rabee': what is the most important fundamental
regarding Da'wah Salafiyyah? And before Shaikh Rabee' could answer, Shaikh
Muqbil answered: At-Tamayyuz (to be distinguished).
To be distinguished.
Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) used
to stress that constantly. He used to tell those who are upon Salafiyyah
who were praying in the masaajid of al-Ikhwaan (i.e. the deviant Kharijee
group who call themselves "Muslim Brotherhood") or the masaajid of
the Qutbees (another Kharijee, revolutionary group) or the masaajid of the
Surooris (another Kharijee group), or the masaajid of some other (deviant)
groups, that they should not be there. That they must distinguish
themselves, even if you were to open up a masjid and - he said - you have
palm sticks or the fabric of the palm trees around it, or whatever. And it's
a piece of desert, but you have said (by this action): this is the area
where the Salafees are. He used to stress that a lot.
So that is the most important
quality of the (Da'wat-us-Salafiyyah): That the Salafees be
distinguished from everyone else.
And to me, that runs right down
smack in the center of what Shaikh Al-Anjaaree is saying about
WudooH. The da'wah should be so clear, that the people say: yeah, that is
Salafiyyah! That even those who are not upon Salafiyyah would say, "Well I
was around the Salafees, and I heard the da'wah of the Salafees. And I saw the
Salafees in action. And what you people are doing here, I don't know why you
call it Salafiyyah because it aint." Innovators are saying it. That
type of clarity.
That type of clarity!
Shaikh Al-Anjaaree also spoke about
the dependence (tawakkul) upon Allaah, Tabarak wa Ta'aala. And that the
dependence (tawakkul) upon Allaah, Tabarak wa Ta'aala, is the blackness of the
eye of Yaqeen (certainty).
(Tawakkul upon Allaah, Tabarak wa
Ta'aala, is) the blackness of the eye of Yaqeen (certainty).
And that we must depend upon Allaah,
Tabarak wa Ta'aala, and call upon Allaah, Tabarak wa Ta'aala, and fear
Allaah, Tabarak wa Ta'aala, and hope in Allaah, Tabarak wa Ta'aala,
and trust in Allaah, Tabarak wa Ta'aala - and not depend on anyone else or
anything else.
He said: don't depend upon your wife
and don't depend upon your sons, and don't depend upon this one, and don't
depend upon that one. But you depend upon Allaah, Tabarak wa Ta'aala, and
Allaah alone.
Matters of Tawheed. I said:
Shaikh, Tawheed mahad (total Tawheed)? He said: Tawheed
mahad (total Tawheed).
Total Tawheed.
So this is something that
(is) important, that we understand - clarity regarding Tawheed,
[5] clarity regarding our Minhaj, [6] clarity regarding what this
da'wah is,[7] to implement at-Tamayyuz (distinguishing our da'wah).
None of that is going to be
achieved without knowledge. And that is why we say that this masjid
has to be full - or fuller than this - when we have 'Ilmonline. That we should
leave our houses, having no intention except to benefit, and to receive
knowledge. And this is such that Shaikh Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) brought
in Saheeh At-Targheeb wa Tarheeb (that) the one who does so
(seeks knowledge) is a Mujaahid in the path of Allaah. Yes, he's a Mujaahid in
the path of Allaah if he gets out of his house and he's coming here (going
to a masjid) to seek (authentic) knowledge. He's coming to the masjid to seek
(authentic) knowledge. He hasn't left his home for any other reason but to seek
knowledge, to acquire 'Ilm. The knowledge that will rectify ourselves. The
knowledge that will rectify our families. The knowledge that will rectify our
community. The knowledge that will rectify our brotherhood. Knowledge that
will rectify our sisterhood. Knowledge that will teach us adab (manners).
Knowledge that will grant us akhlaaq (sound character), sound
morals, manners and behavior. Knowledge that will help us interact with one
another upon 'adl (that which is just, correct and right).
Knowledge will do all of that. The proper knowledge will do all of that. But if
we (walk) away from that, or if we are lazy about it and if we don't show
concern for it, we won't benefit.
And if we don't benefit, then we are
not holding onto our post on that battlefield.
And if we are not holding onto our post, then Islaam will be attacked from our
angle and weaken from our angle. And if we are not fulfilling our
responsibilities, then we don't deserve to be called mature men and women. And
we (would not be) individuals who have understood the importance of this
Al-WudooH (clarity), al-'Ilm
(seeking the knowledge), wal-'Aml (acting upon that knowledge). These are the
issues. So a Salafee should be concerned about that. He or she should get up
and get out whenever there's an opportunity to get some knowledge.
* Abu Uwais mentioned that Tooba is a tree in Paradise from which the people of Paradise will get their clothing from.
[1] The Salafee 'Aqeedah:
[2] Salafiyyah is The Correct
Islaam, The Original Affair, The Saved Sect, The Aided Group, What Allaah
revealed to His Messenger before the emergence of all the Deviant Sects:
[3] The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allaah:
[4] Oh Stranger: Stand Firm!:
[5] The 'Aqeedah of Tawheed, by
Shaikh Fawzaan:
[6] Methodology of The Saved Sect: