The true knowledge is taken from the scholars.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إن الحمد
لله نحمده ، و نستعينه ، ونستغفره ، ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ، ومن سيئات
التعلم هنا
معناه : التلقي عن العلماء والحفظ والفهم
والإدراك ،
هذا هو التعلم ،
Saleh Al Fowzan said:
meaning of having knowledge here is that the person takes it from
the scholars, they memorize it, and they understand it and they comprehend it. This
is knowledge.
ليس المراد
مجرد قراءة أو مطالعة حرة كما يسموﻧﻬا هذا ليس تعلما إنما
التعلم هو : التلقي عن أهل العلم مع حفظ ذلك وفهمه وإدراكه تماما ، هذا هو التعلم
الصحيح ، أما مجرد القراءة والمطالعة فإﻧﻬا لا تكفي في التعلم وإن كانت مطلوبة ، وفيها
فائدة لكنها لا تكفي ، ولا يكفي الاقتصار عليها .
ولا يجوز
التتلمذ على الكتب كما هو الواقع في هذا الوقت ، لأن التتلمذ على الكتب خطير جدا
يحصل منه مفاسد وتعالم أضر من الجهل ، لأن الجاهل يعرف أنه جاهل ويقف عند حده ،
لكن المتعالم يرى أنه عالم فيحل ما حرم الله ، ويحرم ما أحل الله ، ويتكلم ويقول على
الله بلا علم فالمسألة خطيرة جدا .
فالعلم لا
يؤخذ من الكتب مباشرة إنما الكتب وسائل ، أما حقيقة العلم فإﻧﻬا تؤخذ
said: Knowledge is not that a person simply reads or freely reads, as some
people say title it. This is not knowledge (this is not studying). Real
knowledge is that the person takes it from the people of knowledge, and that
they memorize, understand, and comprehend .This is the true (manner of) seeking
of knowledge.
for reading, skimming through books and reading them, this is not sufficient as
studying. Even though there is some good present in it, it’s not sufficient.
It’s not permissible that a person is only a student of books, as we see during
our present time. Because if a person is self-taught (only reads books) then
this is something which is very dangerous, this individual will bring about
much evil because being self-taught is worse than the ignorant person. The
individual who is ignorant he knows he’s ignorant and he stops at the limits.
As for the who is self taught, this individual feels he is knowledgeable, and
because of this , he makes haram which Allaah has made halal and he makes halal
that which Allah has made haram. Likewise, this individual speaks about Allaah
‘Azza Wa Jal without knowledge, and this is a dangerous affair!
Shaykh goes on to explain that knowledge is not only taken from
books but, it is taken from the Ulemah. A person should not limit himself to
taking from books; books are only a means. The reality of knowledge is that
it’s taken from the scholars, generation after generations, but books are only
a means of support and help. The true knowledge is taken from the scholars.
George DeBerry
Thul Hijjah 1434h. | Oct.31 , 2013