It is Incumbent to Openly Refute Those Who Openly Oppose the Methodology of the Salaf
Author: Al ‘Allaamah Ash Shaikh
Saalih Al Fawzaan (hafithahullah)
Transcribed by: Abul 'Izz Al Koonee
Al Leebee
Translator: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Siddiq
Al Juyaanee
Q: May Allah treat you well (O
Shaikh), is it from the Minhaj of the Salaf that if one of the Du'aat makes a
mistake and/or opposes the methodology of the Salaf in front of the people that
their mistakes and errors should be spread in writings via electronic media?
A: If his statement has been spread
in front the people (publicly) it is incumbent to spread the refutation against
him so that the truth is clarified to the people. However, if his statement has
not become widespread then it is enough to (privately) advise him.