Explanation Series: "A Spirit From Him"

       Explanation Of The Meaning "A Spirit From Him"

An-Nawawi رحمه الله said in Sharh Muslim: 
" 'Isa(Jesus) عليه صلاة و السلام is called كلمة( a word), because he was the word كن (be), solely without a father, unlike other than him from the sons of Adam."

Al-Haraawi said: "the Most High said: و روح منه (A rooh from him), meaning: mercy and said: Ibn 'Arafah said" 'That (he had)no father, but breathed in his mother(via Angel Gabriel) the rooh.' and others said: "The rooh from Him meaning: created from Him and upon this, it is connected to Him (The Most High), a connection of honor (and not a part of His Divine Self) as the ناقة الله she camel of Allaah and بيت الله the House of Allaah(1), otherwise the knowledge is for Him The Gorified and Most High and it is with Him and Allaah knows best."

Source:الطبعة الأميرية(p.227)
Translator: Khaleel Davis

(1) This issue has led some Muslims to reject the Qur'aan being the Kalaam of Allaah and that it is created, due to them not understanding this basic concept. They figured, the kalaam of Allaah is eternal and not created due to it being a part of Him. Therefore, 'Isa is the Kalam of Allaah, and the Qur'aan is the Kalaam of Allaah and the Qur'an is uncreated so 'Isa also must be uncreated. In their diminutive minds, this means 'Isa is also not a created being and is a part of Allaah. They believe this proves the deviant theory of the Christians: The father, the son and Holy Ghost. So they reject the Qur'an is uncreated and is created like 'Isa is created, in order to reject the view that 'Isa is a part of Allaah. This type of impermissible reasoning and similar ,originates from the people of kalam like the Jahmiyyah, started by Jahm ibn Safwan. He denied the Divine Attributes of Allaah, after debating with Atheist philosophers of his day who said that anything that has attributes, by necessity has to be created. So he stopped praying for 40 days, due to the doubts they cast in his heart about The Sifaat of Allaah. Henceforth, the denial of the Divine Attributes of Allaah, and the creation of the deviant sect al-Jahmiyyah. In essence, we must follow the explanation of the Salaf which is rooted in principles of aqeedah found in the text and authentic sunnah,. Not reasoning that leads to rejection of the creed.