Watches and Rings of White Gold For Men?

Q: It has become common among some people, especially men, to use that which is called white gold, which is used to make watches, rings, pens and so on. After asking the jewellers and goldsmiths, we found out that white gold is actually the well-known yellow gold, to which a certain metal has been added, 5-10%, to change its colour from yellow to white, or some other colour, which makes it look like another kind of metal. Use of this has become very widespread in  recent times, and many people are confused about using it.

A: If the situation is as described, the gold which is mixed with other metals still comes under the ruling that it is haraam to differentiate in weight or measure when selling it for gold of the same type, and the exchange must be completed in one sitting, whether it is sold for gold of the same type or for silver or cash. It is haraam for men to wear it, and it is haraam to make vessels out of it. Calling it white gold does not change these rulings. 

The Permanent Committee 

[Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (24/60)]