Keep In Mind The Following Advices From The Salaf

'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood (radiallaahu 'anhu) said: "One should get used to the idea that if everyone on Earth disbelieved, you would not disbelieve. Do not be an im'ah (characterless)." He was asked, "And what is an im'ah?" He replied, "A person who says, 'I am with the people (I do what they do).' Verily, there is to be no following examples in evil." [Ibn Battah, Al-Ibaanah Al-Kubraa, Vol.1 p.33]

'Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak Maroodi (rahimahullaah) said: "Know, my brother that death is a gift from Allaah for whoever meets Allaah, Subhanahu wa Ta'aala, upon the Sunnah of Muhammad (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). And we complain to Allaah concerning the death of our brothers, and the fewness of those who support the religion, and the appearance of many innovations in the religion."