Teaching in Hizbee Masaajid, Not Clarifying the Truth & Letting them Use YOU as a Proof?

Author: Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool (hafithahullah)
Source: Q and A session with Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool (hafithullah) that took place on Saturday April 1st 2012 corresponding with Jumaadaa al-Uolaa 8th 1433:
Question posed and translated by: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

Q6: We have in America some “callers” and “students of knowledge” who attribute themselves to Ahlus-Sunnah. However, they go amongst the people of innovation and give classes and lectures in their Masaajid. That which is apparent is that they (the students and callers) don't rebuke the innovations that are present with these individuals. At the same time the people of innovation teach and give lectures at this Masjid (where these student and callers go to). These individuals who attribute themselves to Ahlus-Sunnah say, "If we don't go amongst them when will they learn the Sunnah?" At the same time these individuals from the people of innovation use the matter of these (students and callers) coming to their Masaajid as a proof that they (the people of innovation are on the truth. What is your response regarding this matter?

A: This branches off from the previous speech. These individuals who we give the benefit of the doubt to that they are Salafiyyoon, however based upon their intellects and Ijtihaad, they see that there is a benefit in going to the Masaajid where the innovators are or where the innovators come and give lessons. We say to these individuals,

“Come, let's return back to the Manhaj of the Salafis-Saalih (radi Allahu ‘anhum), what was their Manhaj regarding these individuals?”
There's no doubt that their Manhaj was to keep far away from these Masaajid and the places where the people of innovation have a connection to and are present in. Which of the two paths is better? Is it the path of the Salafiyyeen or the path of these youth? Without a doubt the path of the Salafis-Saalih is better and it is salvation.

Likewise, what we have in the question is that which consist of a very important answer (for the question), that which the scholars have warned against. It is (the issue) of the Salafis going to the places of the people of innovation, (which) is from that which deceives the general masses of the people. They will think that this Masjid and those who attend the Masjid are all are upon the truth, whether they are Salafiyyeen or other than them. The reason for the general masses of the people being deceived and misguided is due to the action of the Salafis going to these places.

Also as we have in the question, they don't rebuke the people innovations. Being that's the case, what's the benefit of going to them? The (fact that) some of the major scholars went to some places which the people of innovation were or the presence of the people innovation in a gathering with some of the major scholars like Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah) is NOT to be used as a proof. The difference between the two (situations) is very big. Our Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree (hafithahullah) has clarified this. Indeed when Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah) went to the likes of these places, he spoke with the truth, outwardly displayed it, refuted the falsehood, and demolished it. Likewise if the people of falsehood came to him, he refuted them and silenced them with proofs and evidences. If they went to these places clarifying the truth, calling to the Sunnah, combating innovation, then this is something good. However, I challenge/dare them to go to these places clarifying the Sunnah  and leave them. Indeed (if they were to do this) those people (who they went to from the people of innovation) when reject him, close the doors in their faces and begin to curse them. The matter of the Salafis going to these Masaajid or going to the Masjid in which the people of innovation are present therein, and they (the people of innovation) making it easy for them (the Salafis to teach there or speak there), is only due to the compromising of  the Salafis (of the principles of Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah).

This is the exact error and harm that the Salaf have warned against.

Indeed we have experienced and found that the people of innovation don't praise anyone except for those who are with them upon the same Manhaj, or those who are silent regarding the truth. Both groups are upon misguidance. The one who is upon innovation and misguidance, then he is similar to them (i.e. the people of innovation). As for the one who is silent regarding the truth, he is a mute devil. So how much more so for those whose presence with the people of innovation is beautifying for the general masses of the people and causing them to freely believe that these (the people of innovation) are upon the truth?! There's no doubt that this matter is dangerous! I repeat and say to these youth, fear Allaah regarding yourselves and your Muslim brothers in every place! Do not cause them to be deceived by going to these Maasjid. Indeed, in the Masaajid of Ahlis-Sunnah there is that which suffices (us) from going to the places which are populated by the people of innovation.