The Two-Faced Daa’ee?

Author: Shaikh Khaalid Bin ‘Uthmaan (hafithahullah)
Question posed by Abu Anisa ‘Abdul Hakeem
Translated by Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee

Q: What is the ruling on the one (i.e. daa’ee) who shows his “Salafiyyah” (and that he is Salafy) when he is with the Scholars from the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah. (While with them) he presents to them an image of compliance and agreement with them in ‘Aqeedah and Minhaj. However, when he is with the students of knowledge and those who oppose (Salafiyyah) he then shows them that which clearly opposes that which he shows when he is with the Scholars; and then argues (trying to support his actions which clearly oppose the principles of Salafiyyah.)

A: You know, it is as if this man is just deceptively appeasing (and trying to trick the scholars) but he is not on a methodology (i.e. their Minhaj). This is close to hypocrisy. This (behavior) is from that which the Salaf would consider hypocrisy. (They considered) trickery and deception in Allah’s religion to be from hypocrisy. Meaning, he shows these people one face and then shows those people another face. This is that which the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) deemed blameworthy in the Hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu ‘anhu) which has been collected by Al Bukhaari and Muslim, that verily he said, 

“The worst people on the day of Judgment are those who show these people one face and those people another face.” 

May Allah grant us and you refuge from this.