From the Deviations of the Raafidah in the Usool of al-Eemaan

By the Shaykh ‘Alee ibn Yahyaa al-Hadaadee 

The foundation of al-Eemaan according to us is al-Eemaan in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day and in the Qadr, its good and its bad; as is in His, the Exalted, statement: “The Messenger(Muhammad)believes in what  has been sent down to him from his Lord and likewise do the believers. Each of them believes in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers…”(al-Baqarah 2:285)And as He, the Exalted, has said: “However al-Birr(righteousness)is the one  who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels , the Book and the Prophets…”(al-Baqarah 2:177)He, the Exalted, has said concerning al-Qadr: “And that Allah encompasses all things by His Knowledge.”(at-Talaq 65:12); and He has said: “And we have not left anything out of the Book.(al-An’aam 6:38)And He, the Exalted, has said: “And you cannot will except that Allah wills.”(al-Insaan 76:30)He, the Exalted, has said: “Verily We have created all things with Qadr.”(al-Qamar 54:49)and He said: “And Allah has created you and what you make.”(as-Saffaat 37:96)When a person utters the two testamonies then he has entered into al-Islaam and safeguarded, by this statement, his blood, wealth and honor. Thereafter, he is commanded with that which this statement necessitates from its rights. So whoever actualizes this eemaan then he is from the people of al-Jannah.

As for the greatest pillar of eemaan according to the raafidah, it is eemaan in the Imaamate; ie. The Imaamate of ‘Alee then the Imaams after him. Al-Kulaynee narrated in al-Kaafee, the Book of al-Eemaan and al-Kufr, Chapter: The Pillars of al-Islaam, on the authority of Ja’far, upon him be peace, that he said: “al-Islaam was built upon five: Upon the prayer, the zakah, the fast, the hajj and the wilaayah(the leadership of ‘Alee and his decendants). We were not commanded with anything the way we are commanded with the wilaayah; for the people have taken four and have left the wilaayah.”[al-Kaafee 2/28]

He also narrated on the authority of Aboo Abdillah, upon him be peace, that he explained the limits of al-eemaan, and said: “The testimony that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, confirming that with which he has brought from Allah, the five prayers, the payment of az-Zakah, fasting in the month of Ramadaan, pilgrimage to the house, the wilaayah of our walee(‘Alee)and enmity with our enemy, and to be from the truthful ones.”[al-Kaafee 2/18]

Zuraarah said: “I said: ‘Which of those things is best?’ So he(Aboo Abdillah)said: ‘The Wilaayah is best, because it is their key, and the Walee is the proof for them.’ I said: ‘Then which is that which follows it in virtue?’ He said: ‘The prayer.’”[al-Kaafee 2/18-19]
Muhammad Jawaad Mugniyah said: “We have settled upon the fact that at-Tashayyu’ is eemaan in the existence of the text from the Prophet concerning ‘Alee…”[ash-Shee’ah wal-Haakimoon pg. 12]This narration makes clear their beliefs regarding their Takfeer of most of the companions. And it is that, as they suppose, they(the companions)did not have allegiance to ‘Alee in the Khilaafah. Rather, they denied his right and gave Aboo Bakr precedence over him, then ‘Umar then ‘Uthmaan, may Allah be please with them all. 

Translated by Raha ‘Azeezuddeen Batts