Making Excuses For The Fallen?!

Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee (hafidhahullaah) said:

"So these people sell their hereafter for their present, so the affair of sincerity dear brothers is something great. And sincerity (ikhlaas) is that a person does not intend by his actions except the face of Allah the Mighty and Majestic, and the Hereafter. So he walks straight upon the truth and upon guidance and he does not let anything turn him away from it. This is the true thabaat (being firm upon the truth)...

Although many of the people who cause corruption today, the majority of them are hidden, even if they ascribe to the Sunnah, they are criticized, even if they ascribe to the Sunnah. Rather we do not see them speaking harshly except against Ahl as-Sunnah, and on the opposite, they make excuses for the people of desires and they defend them and they justify their falsehood! Sometimes they even say that they [the people of falsehood] are Salafis and other times they say: "We can not take them out of Salafiyyah" and the likes of these statements.

So they open their chest to the likes of these individuals, however the Salafis are not safe from their tongues. So these individuals, their danger is greater upon the Salafis than the people of desires and innovation so be warned from them O my sons and brothers. Be warned from them at all costs! So if you see those from whom the likes of this statement comes and he does not open his chest to the people of the Sunnah and does not make excuses for them however opens his chest for those who are criticized, and seeks to makes excuses for them then he by Allah is a liar!!! Even if his status and rank reaches the reigns of the heavens!"