The Distinguishing Signs of the Salafee

By Shaikh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) 

Student of knowledge Dawood Adeeb (hafidhahullaah) relayed the following tremendous and golden scholarly advice that every Salafee should read, especially today. Dawood Adeeb's woven comments are also included - due to their benefit - after the highly beneficial advice from our father Shaikh Rabee bin Hadee al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah).    

Shaikh Rabee' bin Hadeel al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) was asked: When may we call someone a Salafee?

Shaikh Rabee' bin Hadeel al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) answered: 

Don't say about a man who opposes the manhaj of the Salaf that he is a 'Salafee.' No, don't say about a man who opposes the manhaj of the Salaf that he is a Salafee. 

Don't say that a man is 'Salafee' until you are sure that he is upon the manhaj [of the Salaf]. He is honored by it, and calls to it. He loves and unites based upon it, and hates and separates because of it. This is a Salafee. But someone who claims that he is 'Salafee,' and defends Ahlul-Bid'ah, and defends them against Ahlul-Sunnah, this is not a Salafee whatsoever. Whoever he is - Arab or non-Arab, in the East or in the West - because Salafiyyah has special qualities.

Salafiyyah has signs. Salafiyyah has affairs that differentiate its people from others in Walaa` and Baraa`, and 'Aqeedah and Da'wah, and the stances that they take.

Dawood Adeeb said:

This has been translated by our brother Abu 'Iyaad in Great Britian Amjad Rafeek (hafidhahullaah) and this was posed to Shaikh Rabee' on when we can call someone a Salafee. Shaikh Rabee' explained during a speech concerning Abu Muslimah - this is back in 2002. And, by the way, those who don't know who Abu Muslimah is, his kunya is Abu Muslimah, of course, his name is 'Abdullaah Tawfeeq. He is the Imam of the Masjid called Masjid "Ahlus-Sunnah" in East Orange, New Jersey, in the United States. I know him very well. We were classmates...The statements of the 'ulemma, some of whom are still alive and some of whom are dead are crystal clear about Abu Muslimah, who by the way is still closely associated with some of the masaajid even here in Toronto, Canada, like Masjid Khalid ibnu Waleed. 

And Shaikh Rabee' (hafidhahullaah Ta'aala) at that particular time said, "We've seen the likes of you before. Anta Hizbiyyun Mustatir (You are a hidden hizbee.) We've seen the likes of you before." And of course, now, [Abu Muslimah is] no longer hidden. He's been exposed, he's just like the shaikh said.

So this question was posed specifically about Abu Muslimah, but in general: whoever the kuffi feats, let him wear it. [Meaning this can be applied generally as well.] ...A few years back, I was in Shaikh Rabee's house after we ate lunch with him. I was walking out of the second floor, the room where he usually entertains the people to feed them, and I told him: "Shaikh Rabee', there are people who are still saying that you took back what you said about Abu Muslimah."* [Shaikh Rabee'] turned quickly to me, took his finger and touched my chest with it, and he said you, "You go back, Dawood, and you tell them (that) I didn't take anything back about Abu Muslimah. And I'm not taking anything back until he repents as clear as the sun is up in the sky." That's what he said to me.

* Because Abu Muslimah himself (lyingly) put that out, and this is what Hizbees do. They like to do like the CIA; they like to throw out "disinformation," things that are not true so people can become confused (causing reactions like) "Did you hear that?" "Did you hear this?"                         

Source:, via phone linkup between our brothers at Masjid Ahlul-Hadeeth in Philadelphia and the Shaikh (hafidhahullaah)