The Sahaabah Did Not Differ in the Usool - Ever !!

A question posed to the Shaykh 'Ubayd ibn 'Abdillaah al-Jaabiree, previously Professor at the Islaamic University of Madeenah.

Question: What do we say to those who claim that the Companions of the Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam differed in the Usool (Fundamentals) of the deen (religion); and they bring as evidence the difference regarding the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam seeing his Lord in this world, and that this is from the 'Aqeedah; and other than this from the doubts?

Answer: The reply to this doubt is from two angles, and I have already mentioned this (in my lesson), but so long as the question has been raised, it is necessary to answer it; as some of the listeners may not have grasped it. I say:

Firstly: There is no difference between the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah in the Usool of the deen – whether in the knowledge-based aspects, i.e. the 'Aqeedah or the action-based aspects – ever. There was no difference between them in these aspects, rather not even between those who came after them from Ahlus-Sunnah!

For verily, the Companions of the Messenger took the Usool of the deen in general – the 'Aqeedah and other than that – from the mouth of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam; and they transmitted it to the people after their Prophet without any differing – ever. Whoever says other than this, then it is upon him to produce the proof – and this is something impossible for him to do.  

The second angle: That which you mentioned from the differing is correct; but did they differ with regard to the Mi'raaj? Did they differ with regard to the Israa'? Did they differ with regard to the believers seeing their Lord on the Day of Judgement? The answer is no.

Then, what did they differ in? They differed with regard to the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam seeing his Lord on the night when he was raised to the seven heavens. So they are in agreement upon the fact that he was raised (to the seven heavens) and that he passed the Sidratul Muntahaa (The last lote tree) and they are in agreement upon the fact that Allaah spoke to him. They did not differ.

And they only differed with regard to this occurrence – Did the Prophet see his Lord on that night? Aa'ishah radhiyallaahu anhaa negates this, and she says, "Whoever tells you that the Messenger of Allaah saw his Lord, then he has lied." And Ibn 'Abbaas radhiyallaahu anhumaa – there are variant narrations from him – once he said "with his heart" and another time he said "he saw Him". So Ahlul-'Ilm (the people of knowledge) have combined these and have said: "The negation in the narrative of Aa'ishah is taken to mean the seeing of the eyes; and the affirmation in the narrative of Ibn 'Abbaas is taken to mean the seeing of the heart." So then they were in agreement and did not differ, may Allaah be pleased with them. This is Ijtimaa' (Unity) and not Ikhtilaaf (Differing).

Then this issue – this is an issue that is from the Furoo' (subsidiary issues or branches) and it is not from the Usool  – it is subsidiary! It is subsidiary to which occurrence? (It is subsidiary to) the Israa' and the Mi'raaj. And they (the Sahaabah) are in agreement that their Prophet experienced the Israa' and the Mi'raaj with his body and soul while in a state of wakefulness, not while sleeping. Did you understand this?

And the narrative of Aa'ishah is supported by a Saheeh hadeeth in which the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam was asked: "O Messenger of Allaah, did you see your Lord?" He replied: "I saw a light. If the radiance of His Face were to be […meaning of wording unclear to translator…] it would burn […meaning of wording unclear to translator…]" Yes.

And there are other issues as well, some of which will be mentioned in the other sittings Inshaa'Alaahu Ta'aalaa. Ahlus-Sunnaah have differed with regard to this, and it is in reality from the Furoo' (subsidiary issues or branches), not from the Usool (fundamentals). Yes.

[End of answer from the Shaykh, may Allaah preserve him]

Note: This has been taken from the Q&A session after the first sitting of the explanation of the book "Usool   us-Sunnah" by Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. The tape series is available from Maktabah Daar ibn Rajab in Madeenah an-Nabawiyyah, and this answer is found in the first tape.