Can We Sit With the Common Folk from the People of Innovation?

Author: Shaikh Abu ‘Amr Al Haajooree (may Allah preserve Him)
Translator: Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee
Taken from

Q: O Shaikh, I have a question with regards to the common folk from the people of innovation.  You have some who say that it is ok to mix with them, go to their masaajid, and sit in their classes for Qur’an and Arabic language for example.  Some students of knowledge say that this is ok while other students of knowledge disapprove of this and use against them those various proofs from the Qur’an & Sunnah, about the avoidance of sitting with the people of innovation as well as the many statements of the people of knowledge about this issue.  The question is O Shaikh, are these proofs from the Qur’an and Sunnah, and the statements of the scholars about not sitting with the people of innovation applicable to the common folk from the people of innovation as well?

A: The proofs point to avoiding and staying far away from the people of innovation irregardless whether they are the leaders or followers; especially if they teach Qur’an or Arabic language, grammar and the like.  As long as they teach, it is not permissible to sit with them and attend their classes; even if they are only teaching Qur’an.  Ibn Sareen, Allah’s Mercy be upon him, when the innovator came to him to recite Qur’an to him, he expelled him and did not want to hear anything from the Qur’an from him (or any other) innovator.  It is not permissible to sit with them. 

If they are the common people from the people of innovation but they teach, they are in fact considered to be callers; if you sit with them they might infect you with some of their doubts; due to this it is incumbent to stay far away from them.

If they are common people from the people of innovation who don’t really understand and they do not teach, then it is permissible for a student of knowledge who is caller to go to them and teach them, give them good advice, and explain the truth to them.  This is good and from giving good advice.

However, I do not advise, nor is it correct for the common people from the people of the Sunnah to mix with the common people from the people of innovation! 

Q: May Allah reward you O Shaikh.  O Shaikh, how then do we deal with those students who are, or claim to be Salafy but are soft and easy in this issue?

A: In general, some of them are in fact Hizbee (i.e. not Salafy); they however, just give the appearance and act like they are Salafy.  Others are in fact Salafy but they have not studied this issue well (and it is this lack of knowledge that causes them to be soft and easy in this affair).  While others are not Salafy, they intend well but they do not know what Salafiyyah is. 

Therefore, advise them.  Meaning, advise the one who shows you the Sunnah and that he is acting upon it.  Show him the proofs

and evidences from the Qur’an and the Sunnah.  Likewise, inform them of the statements of the Scholars.  Also point them to those books which contain therein the correct Aqeedah and Minhaj like: Sharhus Sunnah by Imaam Al Barbahaaree, Kitaabus Sharee’ah by Imaam Al Aajooree, and other than that from the books of the Salaf.  However, this is just for the one who shows you the Sunnah and that he is trying to act upon it, advise this one; whereas the Hizbee, don’t waste your time with him and stay far away from him.  Stay away from the Hizbee!